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Tag: Weight Loss

Facts about metabolism often get confused, and food is just part of it.

Facts About Metabolism: Myths and Facts for a Healthier You

Metabolism is a cornerstone of our body’s functioning, influencing everything from energy levels to weight management. However, misconceptions about metabolism abound, leading to confusion and misguided efforts in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. In this comprehensive article, we unravel the myths and present evidence-backed facts about metabolism to help you understand and make informed choices…
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Real Results of Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy has become more and more popular over recent years. It can aid in so many aspects of health, but is importantly used often and very effectively for weight loss. It’s so efficient that there are three landmark studies showcasing its effectiveness in reducing fat and increasing muscle mass. The evidence speaks for…
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Can Red Light Therapy Be Harmful?

When you hear anything about using a light directed at your skin, you probably have some concerns that pop up. Red Light Therapy actually uses low levels of heat that do not hurt or burn the skin. Unlike tanning booths, Red Light Therapy will not expose skin to damaging UV rays. But does that mean…
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10 Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Weight Loss

Red light therapy has many well-studied and documented benefits, but one of the most popular is weight loss and weight management. Let’s discover the science behind this captivating approach and unlock the secrets to shedding those stubborn pounds in a whole new light. What is Red Light Therapy? Red light therapy, a marvel of modern…
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Why Use Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a transformative tool that offers significant health benefits. Studies show that it enhances muscle recovery, elevates energy levels, and even promotes a more radiant skin complexion. So why would you want to use red light therapy?  What is Red Light Therapy? Red light therapy is an amazing technology. The magic lies…
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Design a Year of Abundant Health

Bottom Line:Designing a year of abundant health starts with ensuring you’re setting SMART goals and taking proactive daily steps to help your body function at its best. Motion is life.Movement and exercise are the essential foundations to living your best life. Not only does motion help you feel better physically – research also shows daily…
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The Power of Your Health Potential

Bottom Line:“Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.” Not only is that quote inspiring and thought-provoking, but we see the power of health and holistic healing in action every day in our practice in Apple Valley, MN. Your body truly does have an incredible innate ability to adapt,…
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Creating SMART Goals for Better Health

Bottom Line:A new year has come again, and that means it’s time to revisit and renew your goals for better health! There’s no better time to evaluate your health, assess your wellness, and to start making healthy changes. Goal setting may not be the easiest thing to do but setting SMART goals can set you…
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3 Steps to Go from Exhausted to Energized

If you’re coming out of the holidays feeling a little sluggish and low on energy in Apple Valley, MN – you’re not alone! Any changes to your regular sleep and exercise routine can impact your energy levels and leave your body struggling just a bit to keep up without that seemingly necessary caffeine fix. Not…
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