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Opiates vs. Opioids: What’s the Difference?

Bottom Line: Opiates vs. opioids – while they come from different sources, they are similar in a very specific way. Both opioids and opiates have caused millions of people looking for pain relief to enter a cycle of addiction. And the truth is that many of the people who are currently addicted to opioids weren’t…
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The Opioid Crisis: How Did We End Up Here?

Bottom Line: If you make it a habit to watch the news, you’ve probably wondered on more than one occasion “How did the opioid crisis start?” Well, the answer might surprise you. About 30 years ago, there was a fundamental shift in medicine regarding how pain was understood and treated. The number of people with…
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The Chronic Pain Crisis is the Opioid Crisis

Bottom Line: For decades, opioids were marketed as a “safer” alternative to treat chronic pain. And as the number of people seeking care for chronic pain began to rise, so did the number of people filling prescriptions for highly addictive opioids. If you’ve ever wondered “What is the opioid crisis?” – that’s the simple answer.…
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Organic Healthcare: No Prescription Necessary

Bottom Line: Did you know that chiropractors and holistic chiropractors are one and the same? The term chiropractic comes from the Greek words cheir (hands) and praxis (practice). It literally means “done by hand,” and chiropractic is among the most popular health treatments sought by those seeking holistic healthcare in Apple Valley, MN. Since the…
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Your Body is Designed to Move

Bottom Line: Your body is built to move and the benefits of movement for your body are immeasurable. Every spinal disc and every individual joint was designed to help you sit, stand, run, and do everything in between. That’s a big part of why we provide functional movement tests in Apple Valley, MN – to…
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The Brain + Spine Connection

Bottom Line: Odds are, you’ve pondered on the brain-body connection a time or two here and there, and for good reason. Every thought and movement in your life occurs through your brain or spinal cord – commonly referred to as our central nervous system. The spinal cord both carries nerve signals from the brain to…
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Disc Issues and Chiropractic

Bottom Line: Disc herniations, bulges, protrusions, and extrusions (oh my!) are some of the most common reasons people visit a chiropractor. In fact, most people see a chiropractor not just because they have lower back disc issues but because such conditions have caused a significant impact on their quality of life. The good news? You…
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The Power of Chiropractic Adjustments – Facet Joints: Gliding Your Way to Better Health

Bottom Line: If you’ve had neck or back pain that you could pinpoint with your finger or felt a sharp pain in your back when moving, the cause may have been some sort of dysfunction with one or more of the facet joints (often the lumbar facet joints) of your spine. So, what are the…
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Relieving Migraine Headaches

The Bottom Line Few things can ruin your day as much as a headache. Relieving migraine headaches in particular can feel impossible. They can seemingly appear out of nowhere, though they may hint at their arrival with two other heavy hitters: visual discomfort and nausea. Whatever the symptoms, a migraine is one visitor you don’t…
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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Daily Headaches

The Bottom Line Half of the world’s adult population struggles with headaches at least once a year. And while headaches can seem like no big deal most of the time, they also cause very real pain that affects your quality of life. We’ve talked to a number of patients who regularly put off seeing a…
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