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Tag: Apple Valley Minnesota

Spinal Disc Health 101: The Proven Benefits of Proactive Care

“Move it or lose it!” I’m not really sure where that started, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the person who originally coined that phrase was a chiropractor… thinking about spinal disc health and proactive care. Seriously, It seems that so many of us just don’t realize movement can and is often the best medicine…
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How To Know if You Have a Spinal Disc Problem

When patients ask me for advice on how to know if you have a spinal disc problem, there’s a story that comes to mind every time. Not too long ago, a friend of mine was over to help me out with one of my weekend projects. He had been out with his family for some…
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3 Key Ways to Prevent a Herniated, Bulging, or Slipped Disc

A neighbor of mine once told me “Getting old is not for the faint of heart,” and that’s always stuck with me. After all, haven’t we all had one of those days where we wake up somehow having managed to injure ourselves in our sleep? Or, if you’re like an old classmate of mine (who…
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The Anatomy of a Spinal Disc: What Does it Look Like?

Waterbeds were something else, weren’t they? It’s still crazy to think there was actually a time where so many of us were sleeping on vinyl “mattresses” that were filled with gallons and gallons of water inside of our carpeted bedrooms. What’s crazier still is that… they were actually pretty durable. They made it through round…
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3 Easy Ways to Naturally Increase your Energy Levels

There’s a reason you see so many commercials for “do-it-all” energy drinks like Red Bull and “have-it-all” energy shots like 5-Hour Energy… We are exhausted, people! The mid-afternoon energy crash is very real for just about every person you’ve ever met. And the mind-boggling thing is we’re often left wondering… why? If we got enough…
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Here’s How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Be More Active

We’ve all seen the “Sitting is the New Smoking” stories circulating online and in the news in recent years. (You may have even seen a story or two talking about how chiropractic care can help you be more active like this one.) Whether it’s running, biking, swimming, lifting weights, or doing yoga, these days many…
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Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

Do you think of yourself as a “glass half-empty or half-full” sort of person? Have you ever had someone tell you to “look on the bright side” or to “turn that frown upside-down” or who tried to tell you all about positive thinking and the mind-body connection? Perhaps a friend has shared the classic “things…
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Try These 5 Simple Steps for Setting Health Goals

There’s some real wisdom in the saying that goes “a goal without a plan is just a wish.” Have you ever felt like you were working hard and took all the right steps for setting health goals but, at the end of the day, you just weren’t making any progress towards them? That might as…
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These Low Back Pain Relief Exercises Can Help You Recover Quicker

Bottom Line: When back pain strikes, your first instinct might be to sit down or lie down until your discomfort subsides. But get this. Recent studies strongly suggest that medications and rest are actually a couple of the least effective ways to find relief! What’s more, research also tells us that it’s often a lack…
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When to Have Back Surgery and When to See a Chiropractor Instead

Bottom Line: Many people think that surgery is the ultimate once-and-for-all “fix” for a problem area of their spine that has been injured. They may believe that the answer to the question of when to have back surgery is if they’ve been living with it for more than a month or so. And while in…
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