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Category: spinal health

Posture: The Science of Body Position

Is There a Perfect Posture? “Sit up straight and stop slouching!” You’ve likely heard this since childhood, but is there such a thing as perfect posture? The answer is a bit complicated. The latest research shows that thinking about a “balanced” or “dynamic” posture may be more important than a perfect one. And we’re also…
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A woman experiencing pain before a whole body vibration session helps.

Whole Body Vibration: A Perfect Complement to Chiropractic Care

In the pursuit of optimal health and wellness, clients often ask why we pair whole body vibration with other treatments and what specific benefits it offers. Individuals are increasingly turning to holistic approaches that synergize various modalities. One such emerging technique that has gained attention is whole-body vibration (WBV). When combined with chiropractic care modalities,…
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Finding Relief from Neck Pain: The Powerful Impact of Chiropractic Care

Why Does My Neck Hurt? Your neck has a tough job. It has to hold, stabilize, and move the weight of your head every day for a lifetime. Holding up 11 pounds may not seem like a lot, but the seven bones and 20 neck muscles need to work together in perfect harmony to move…
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Redefining Posture: What You Need to Know About Posture, Your Health, and Chiropractic

Is there such a thing as perfect posture? The answer may surprise you. The latest research shows that it’s actually more beneficial to think about your posture as dynamic, not static. In other words, your ideal posture is constantly changing and evolving. Think of your posture as a dynamic pattern of responses, reflexes, and habits,…
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Say Goodbye to Low Back Pain: Understanding the Causes

For many of us, gone are the days where we can clean the house, go for a walk, play with the kids, play with our pets, or, if we’re being honest, simply go to sleep without putting ourselves at risk for neck or low back pain. Sound familiar? Surprise sleep injuries aside, if you’re all…
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The Surprising Cause of Your Leg Pain: Your Back!

Let’s go ahead and lay all of our collective cards out on the table. Most of us spend way, way more time sitting at our computers or sitting down with our digital devices than we know we should. And, honestly, most of us are living with aches or pains as a result that we don’t…
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The Problem with Relying on Medications for Low Back Pain

It’s safe to assume that all of us have an over-the-counter pain reliever like Aleve or Ibuprofen in our medicine cabinets at home. From a young age, we learn to have these on hand to help us find short-term relief from temporary headaches or other body aches and pains. We’re looking for immediate symptom relief……
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The Movement Solution for Back Pain Relief

When we feel pain in our low back, what’s the first thing many of us tend to think? We need to lie down. We need to sit down. We need to rest so our back will feel better. We may think we need to reach for a bottle of Aleve – maybe a heating pad.…
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Spinal Disc Health 101: The Proven Benefits of Proactive Care

“Move it or lose it!” I’m not really sure where that started, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the person who originally coined that phrase was a chiropractor… thinking about spinal disc health and proactive care. Seriously, It seems that so many of us just don’t realize movement can and is often the best medicine…
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How To Know if You Have a Spinal Disc Problem

When patients ask me for advice on how to know if you have a spinal disc problem, there’s a story that comes to mind every time. Not too long ago, a friend of mine was over to help me out with one of my weekend projects. He had been out with his family for some…
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