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Author: Dr. Brian

Top Healthcare Organizations Now Agree on What to Do for Low Back Pain

Bottom Line: Would you be surprised if we told you that low back pain may well be the number one source of disability across the globe? You might. Would you be surprised if we told you that we were 99.9% certain you had experienced back pain in the last month? Probably not. After all, everyone…
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Supporting Expecting Families Through a Healthy Birth

Bottom Line: With all of the advancements in medical science, it may come as a surprise to you to learn that mother nature may very well know best when it comes to supporting a successful delivery for expecting mothers. But when you think about it, maybe not. After all, a woman’s body is designed to…
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What Expecting Families Need to Know About NSAIDs and Medications

Bottom Line: While expecting mothers may have a glow about them, they’re unfortunately no less immune to body aches and pains than the rest of us. In fact, it’s estimated that over 85% of women will deal with back pain at some point during and likely after their pregnancy. And if there’s one thing we’ve…
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Why Expecting Families May Want a Chiropractor on Their Wellness Team

Bottom Line: Did you know it’s been estimated that over 85% of women experience back pain during pregnancy? If that number caught you by surprise, here’s another question for you. Did you know that as an expecting mother enters her second and third trimesters, their baby is pulling their center of gravity forward which causes…
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Key Ways Expecting Families Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Bottom Line: A woman’s body undergoes many transformations during and after months of pregnancy. Some of these changes are easily recognized, such as an expanding abdomen and episodes of morning sickness, while others less well known. In fact, some common physiological changes can catch expecting mothers by surprise. Why it Matters: Before we dive into…
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Beyond the Pill: Non-Opioid Care for Chronic Pain

Bottom Line: If you’re dealing with chronic pain, now is the time to tackle it naturally. But how do you deal with chronic pain without using opioid pain medication? Are opioid alternatives for pain management actually effective? Allow us to answer that with a resounding YES! One of the problems with pain medications is that…
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Opiates vs. Opioids: What’s the Difference?

Bottom Line: Opiates vs. opioids – while they come from different sources, they are similar in a very specific way. Both opioids and opiates have caused millions of people looking for pain relief to enter a cycle of addiction. And the truth is that many of the people who are currently addicted to opioids weren’t…
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The Opioid Crisis: How Did We End Up Here?

Bottom Line: If you make it a habit to watch the news, you’ve probably wondered on more than one occasion “How did the opioid crisis start?” Well, the answer might surprise you. About 30 years ago, there was a fundamental shift in medicine regarding how pain was understood and treated. The number of people with…
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The Chronic Pain Crisis is the Opioid Crisis

Bottom Line: For decades, opioids were marketed as a “safer” alternative to treat chronic pain. And as the number of people seeking care for chronic pain began to rise, so did the number of people filling prescriptions for highly addictive opioids. If you’ve ever wondered “What is the opioid crisis?” – that’s the simple answer.…
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Organic Healthcare: No Prescription Necessary

Bottom Line: Did you know that chiropractors and holistic chiropractors are one and the same? The term chiropractic comes from the Greek words cheir (hands) and praxis (practice). It literally means “done by hand,” and chiropractic is among the most popular health treatments sought by those seeking holistic healthcare in Apple Valley, MN. Since the…
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